Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church

Toal Engineering provided civil engineering and surveying services for the Master Plan Improvements for Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church in San Clemente, California. The project is an almost complete redesign of the 7 ¾ acre site, including construction of a new Parish Hall, Administration Building, Sanctuary, and appurtenant improvements such as an improved drive entrance, parking areas, courtyard gathering area, and a small amphitheater. The project also involves significant changes to site utilities including a new fire service connection to the main line in N. La Esperanza and on-site fire hydrants, sewer system upgrade, and a new storm drain system including effective stormwater quality management that is affordable and manageable by the parish. Toal Engineering prepared preliminary grading, drainage, and utility plans for Master Plan CUP approval and has completed Civil construction documents for construction of the Phase I improvements, including a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan prepared under the most recent statewide General Permit. Construction of Phase I improvements was completed in 2012.